Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


Modern vs Traditional Women| Relationships, Social Standards & Gender


Social Politics, heated debates, gender wars ??? It seems our society is obsessed with debating over social standards currently, there is a debate from everything body rights to sexuality to social norms. Who's right? What's right? Where do we draw the line? Is there a middle ground? I find myself asking these questions over and over.

How did we get here?

Modern society has shifted, we can't argue with the current & present changes happening at this very moment. The fabric that held this country under "somewhat societal norms", has deteriorated, evolving into something new, something the world has never seen before and once again, America is at the forefront. Mounting economic, political, and social issues are seemingly busting all at once creating the perfect cocktail of massive altering events. One thing is for certain, the past is long gone, and America's former identity along with it.

All of these pressure points are shifting the way we once viewed our society. Are we changing too fast too soon, the current state of our country suggests that maybe we are? Unfortunately, that is leaving many people lost and uncertain of where we are going next. Many are not able to adjust to this change and this prompts chaotic times. But, despite it all, I am curious to see what our society's landscape would look like in the coming years and if it would get worse before it gets better. 

Amongst many of the different areas shifting, socially our country is going through the most change. Gender roles, human rights, & sexuality are all issues that are major right now. And the one I am addressing today is the "Modern vs. Traditional Woman" debate, that has been taking the internet by storm lately. Really more so, focusing on what both sides are, how we define them and how they are affecting relationships between men and women of today? Tune in for this very casual episode to a very complex conversation, this is a very informal light video.

In my opinion, because women in our society now have the opportunity to work in any field that they choose, this is causing conflict with men, who traditionally dominated majority occupational fields. Women have access to just as much opportunity as men and therefore this affects the value of men & women in our society in a way we've never seen before. 

Traditionally men were dominant and independent, while women were "docile and dependent." Men were more valued in society due to their financial ability to provide and become educated, thus working and contributing more to society. While women who could have no real "independence" (couldn't get educated or take care of their own finances), were forced to rely on men for their survival. Now that women can get educated and provide for themselves, the value men had shrunk. Women can now be leaders, providers, and independent of men - which was not easily possible before in society.

If I was to be blunt, I would argue that now that women no longer "needed to depend" on men, men have lost a lot of their authority and power that came with the gender norms that have predated us historically. And many men and women are now seeing the reality of that shift in real time. This is the source of a lot of conflict in our social settings, a new gender war has been created. 

I definitely want to talk about (in later episodes) how men use certain talking points to pit both groups of women against each other by attacking women's femininity, all while establishing toxic behavioral norms, and the oppressive language (ie, being "submissive, humbled, etc") used in general when having these social conversations.

What are your thoughts? What are some things you agree or disagree with in the video?

Hope you enjoy reading this,

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