Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.




Today I am going back into my past a little to explore some unconventional thoughts on body shaming currently in society. 

what it means to be gaslit ? the lack of accountability of offenders ? is the offended becoming the offenders ? I'm talking accountability, desirability, and the role culture play into shaming... all of these topics plus some helpful tips will be explored in this video. This is Episode 2 of my series on here called " Lets Talk" where I share my opinions and experiences on social issues.

Whew! I don't even know how to begin this. So let me take you back to what sparked my response to this issue. In today's society everything we have a issue with becomes the topic of various online discussions which prompts the creation of media driven movements. The positive's of this unfolding is that we can engage with various people worldwide and gain many perspectives that may, or may not, align with our own. One of those topics has become a growing concern of body image and all it's effects on people worldwide, mainly able bodied women. 

That topic is of course the ideology of Body Shaming, a form of bullying that utilizes the action or practice of  humiliating another person's body shape or size.

And while, I admire the awareness and the actions surrounding the topic, I have also notice some dark spaces that are taking place within the "movement." 

The rise of the bullied becoming the bully. The overshadowing of certain groups (disabled, disfigured, men, etc.) by those mainly affected due to weight (fat and skinny people), which this alone is another topic within itself that I want to touch on. 

But for my focus in this video I'm focusing on those that are body shamed because of weight. Specifically, those who don't fit into the dominant group that is thick / fat. How when it comes to weight, one group is overwhelmingly louder than the other in a way that not only gaslight others experiences, but bullies them as well. 

One can not yell for help, while stepping on someone else in the process. I want to just say that what we need most in this society is empathy, accountability, and action (doing the work to align with what we are talking about.

So I hope you enjoy this video. What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree or disagree ?


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