Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


I Don't Have It Figured Out In My 20's ... And It's Okay

Today, we're going to talk about something that's been on my mind lately, and I bet many of you can relate. It's about not having your life all figured out in your 20s.

You know, there's so much pressure these days to have everything figured out by the time you hit your 20s. We're bombarded with stories of young entrepreneurs, social media influencers, and overnight successes. And it's easy to feel like we're falling behind if we haven't reached our goals or found our true calling yet. Guess what, I'm 28 and my life looks nothing like how I planned it to be. But here's the thing: it's okay!

 Life is a journey, and it's perfectly normal to feel uncertain or lost during this phase. In fact, it's a time of exploration, self-discovery, and growth. So, let's embrace it and find inspiration in not having all the answers just yet. I rather have lived experiencing the mistakes and lows of my 20's, the lessons I've learned have armed me with wisdom that I possibly could not have had otherwise.

Really! If I had become a rich, solo traveling, creative genius at 22-25 would I know what I know now about love, humility, & appreciation. Would I have faced the ugly parts of myself that I needed to heal and fix - probably not. I want to leave you with some reminders :

You Are Not Alone

Remember that you're not alone in this. Many people in their 20s are going through similar experiences, grappling with their purpose, career choices, and what they want from life. Surround yourself with a supportive community, whether it's friends, family, or online groups, who can understand and empathize with your journey.

Try It All - Everything

 Take this opportunity to try new things. Your 20s are a perfect time to explore different paths, interests, and hobbies. Don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. You never know what you might discover about yourself and what truly ignites your passion. Start over, it's okay to begin again as many times as you need to. Be curious, open minded, and not attached to your perception of life or others!

Time Is A Illusion In This Moment

Remember that success doesn't have a predetermined timeline. It's not about how fast you reach your goals, but rather the progress you make along the way. Every setback, every detour, and every experience contributes to your personal growth. Trust the process and have faith that your journey will lead you to where you're meant to be.


Be kind to yourself. It's easy to be self-critical when we compare ourselves to others or feel like we're falling behind. But remember, everyone's path is unique, and there's no rush to have it all figured out. Celebrate your small wins, appreciate the lessons learned, and practice self-care to maintain a positive mindset.

My Final Thoughts

So, my luvs, let's embrace the beauty of uncertainty and not having our lives figured out in our 20s. It's a time for growth, exploration, and self-discovery. Trust that you're exactly where you need to be, and amazing things will unfold when the time is right. Remember, it's okay to be a work in progress. You got this!

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