Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


Health Journey 24 Hour Cleanse | My Thoughts & Experience


Hi luvs, it's been too long since I've sat down and wrote my thoughts on here. (skip to the review subsection for detox review/thoughts)

So let me update you on some life things in 2020 I did a weight gain journey. I have been a petit and skinny girl all my life and I felt uncomfortable with the way clothes would fit or look on me, just unflattering. 

Also, I was being influenced by social media, like many of us, with this unrealistic expectation of what I should look like. Also being that I'm a Black woman, growing up skinny in a home full of curvy women, I was often taunted and picked apart about my size, or lack thereof. So then in 2021, when I achieved my desire weight goal, I began to feel uncomfortable, unconfident, and depressed at how much weight I gained ( I went from 120/125 to 190 pounds).

 So then I began my fitness journey to lose weight, which after implementing positive changes in my life, changed into a overall health/wellness journey. One that fulfilled me, mentally, spiritually, and physically.

So here we are in 2022. 
Where I'll be sharing updates on different things I'm doing in my overall health journey.


Whew! Let me tell you that this cleanse is not for the weak. 
Jokes aside this was a relatively strong short detox. 

On a scale from 1 (good/weak) -10 (bad/strong)

Taste 8
Strength 8
Smell 8


Can't go nowhere during cleanse, 
take cleanse by yourself if live with others (not on same day),
hard to digest,
caused me slight headaches/ light headiness


intensity lasts 8 hours,
cleans kidney, liver, colon,
feel lighter and more energetic,
improved my bowel movements,
decongested me,
helped my bloating 

Final Thoughts:

I definitely will be taking this cleanse again. 
After doing the cleanse I noticed a big difference in my energy, my bloating, and my bowels.
I may change how I approach it by maybe prepping 2-3 days in advance for it and 2-3 days after.
I also did lose a few pounds, but nothing super major (3 pounds).

This detox/cleanse can be purchased on company site and amazon :

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