Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


How To Implement Wellness during Social Distancing


Hi luvs, today's message is one that I hope find you well. 
There is a lot of fear and panic in the world right now. Many countries are enforcing strict border controls, mandatory curfews, city lock-downs, and social distancing as a way to contain and assess the scope of  covid-19. As a response there has been a global feeling of uneasiness and I'm here to tell you that everything will be all right. 

Let's practice having faith in ourselves, our communities, our families, and God during these times.

Today I want to talk about ways that we can practice and begin implementing habits that encourage and sustain wellness in our lives. This will be a bit lengthy but bear with me.

 MIND (Mental Health)

Mental health is critical during times like this, especially for women of color. 
So here are some ways to calm and restore our mind:

1. Get Right With Spirit !

Yes, girl , I'm talking about your spirit. For our community taking time to practice our spirituality will not only decrease stress, but increase and benefit your health !

* Prayer
* Meditation
* Breathe
* Going to Church
* Daily Rituals

2. Get Some Much Needed Sleep !

Studies show that your quality of sleep affects your lifespan. 
To ensure you get the best sleep possible try ;

* reading a book 1hr before sleep
* putting on some relaxing sounds (rain, beach, forest)
* going to sleep around 8pm or 9pm

3. Say No ! Enough is enough !

Its okay to say no ! 
Sometimes as women of colour we find ourselves always doing. 
We operate at 100mph often times putting others before ourselves,
whether it is our duties as wife, mother, daughter, employee, boss, etc.
Learning when we've overfilled our plates and stretched ourselves 
out is so important to our well being.

BODY (Physical Health)

1. Get Movin ! 

Yoga, Walking, Swimming, Dancing, & more.
Make it a practice to move our bodies everyday.

2. One A Day, Keeps The Virus Away !

One thing this pandemic has done was show us just how
 poorly we have been maintaining our health. If you never focused on keeping
 your immune strong, now more than ever is the time to do it. 
Make Sure You're  Taking:

* Vitamins
* Supplements
* Ginger, lime & immune busting shots

3. Eat Plant Based !

That's all thats the announcement, JK!
Studies show that a diet high in plants (veggies) & fruit,
boost and build a strong immune system.
Overall, it is good for your human systems, so lets try making 
sure our meals incorporate more veggies & less meat !

* substitute two days out of the week to 
eat completely plant based
* try juicing or smoothies
* learn new & flavorful recipe's

4. Practice Self Maintenance

Yes , treat yourself to a massage or a pedicure.
Do that at home facial you've been putting off !
Give yourself ways to relax, be present &
 treat your body, it will thank you !

I hope you enjoyed this blog post !
Let me know how you are implementing wellness during this time.

Sincerely Alexus Fay,

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