Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


5 Powerful Ways Journaling can Change your Life

Journaling is good for you physically, mentally, and emotionally. 
The act of writing brings out the thoughts and ideas that you have
 inside of you and that over time will improve your quality of life!

Evokes Mindfulness

Journaling brings you into a state of mindfulness. 
Becoming more mindful is connected to being more happy, since the two affect one another. 
Writing about things that once brought you sadness or anger 
will start to not feel so heavy anymore and acts as a form of therapy.

Write it. Achieve it.

Writing your goals and dreams down send signals your brain to register
 those things as important. 
Then your  reticular activating system subconsciously finds opportunities to help you achieve that goal.
 The more you write it out, the more your brain helps you out !

An Act of Discipline

When you dedicate time out of your day to write, you are creating a habit.
 And once it becomes a habit you become more disciplined, which will positively influence
 you to become disciplined in other areas of your life. 
Writing is like a muscle, 
the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes!

Boost Your Self Confidence  

 Journaling about a positive experience triggers your brain to relive it in the moment. 
The release of endorphins and dopamine will increase your self-esteem and mood. 
This will help you combat self- doubt, which is important ! 
Keeping a journal of these experiences act as reminders that you can go back to ANYTIME.

Boost Your Creativity

Beyond overcoming writer's block,  free writing brings out your 
thoughts and ideas you never knew you had in you, 
and loosens up your creative flow.

The best time to write is soon after you wake up or right before you go to sleep.
Grab your pen and paper ! Start writing.

Till next time,
Alexus Fay
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