Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


5 Steps To Manifest Anything You Want || The Power of Manifestation

I started incorporating mindful and meditative practices into my everyday routine for almost a year now, but I've been consistent for about a month now! One of those practices has been the act of manifesting and let me just tell y'all - this is powerful and life changing. 
Will this be easy ? No! But will this be beneficial? YES! 
Just watch how your quality of life will improve.
Are you excited? Good, me too!
So lets get into this...

When people think of manifesting I often hear them talk about how their life changed overnight, or they went from broke to rich instantly. If this is why you're here you'll be surprised to find out that anything good comes in time. This is no over night magical technique.

First thing first, are you DEDICATED to making your ideas, dreams, and goals into reality?

If so, then continue reading, if not then stop right here and leave this post!
Manifesting is the act of turning your dreams and goals into your reality, the
act of believing in yourself and going for it.

 Step 1. Know What You Want

To even begin this process you need to start with a very specific goal or thing in mind. What is it that you want to come into your life? We have to put intention into anything that we want to manifest. It is only when we are clear about what it is we want, that we can begin to focus on it !

Step 2. Believe It

If you can see it, you must achieve it! Now that you are clear on what you want, it's time for you to believe you can have and/or attain it! This is the hardest part to do for many reasons, the main one being that we have been conditioned to doubt ourselves and think that our dreams and goals are impossible. So I challenge you, right now! Start thinking about you actually having what you want.
And every time you start to think that's not possible, say it is !
Even if you don't believe it, keep telling yourself it is yours!

Step 3. Visualize It

You know what you want. You believe it is yours to have. Now, you need to visualize it. What does your goal/thing look like. Where do you see yourself? What are you doing? Who are you around?
It is necessary to SEE it ! You have to paint a picture so clear and vivid in your head that you can see it with your eyes closed or open. This will take time! Some of us will have that picture already and some of us will still need to figure it out. That's okay, there's no rush or time limit, take your time.

Step 4. Feel It

By this point we know what we want, believe it is ours and what that looks like. This next step is so crucial to manifesting. It's like the fuel in a gas tank, a car won't move without it! You need to FEEL it! How does what you want make you feel? Is it fulfilling? Does it put a smile on your face? How will having it affect your life in a positive way? Who can you help? Are you proud? Are you happy, why are you happy? Allow yourself to feel all the emotions that come from getting what you want. This part is the most powerful. When emotion is added to visualization it emits a signal that jumpstarts your brain, telling it that you must have it. In return your brain starts to figure out how to achieve it subconsciously. (There's actual science that backs this up!)

Step 5. Act Upon It

 Last, but not least, act upon your conviction. By the time you get to this part you'll feel more confident and inspired! Take this time to write out ideas that will help you achieve your goals. What could you do ? What steps can you take that will help you? No matter how big or small those steps are, start taking them. Invest in yourself. If you took an hour out of your day to just dedicate it to your dreams, what would you do? Even if it's just researching, do it! Get into the habit of being an active participant in achieving your dreams. Nobody can do it for you! It will not fall into your lap! Start right now, take that first step and keep going !

Bonus Step. Repeat It

Now that you know how to manifest, do this daily for 10 minutes or less! Until it has become a habit.
This will feel so unnatural at first, it will feel like this because we are changing the way we think about our life, about ourselves. The more you do it, the more you will feel it's effects. 
I wish you achieve all your dreams and more!

Let me know how it's been working for you or what your dreams are in the comment section below!

Thank You for reading,

Till Next Time


- Alexus Fay

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