Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


Beauty Rituals || What You Need to Know About Getting A Bikini Brazilizian Wax

Summer is right around the corner and we all want our best beach looks ready to go. For many of us, that includes showing off our cutest swimwear, lounging and soaking up the sun rays, all while sipping on the sweet drinks. Which brings us to why you've come to this post, Many of you are here because you are about to do the big deed ! I'm talking about waxing ladies , no worries this post is filled with tips to help you have the best experience possible ! 

What is a Brazilian wax? Bikini wax?

There's a bikini wax, where hair on the sides and top area along the bikini line are removed. There's a Brazilian, which removes ALL hair on your pubic area(s), leaving your entire lady parts bare. A Brazilian wax removes ALL the hair from your top, sides, and front, plus your derriere.  You can choose to leave a "landing strip" or a shape. 

 The Benefits

1 Skin health

Waxing removes hair and it’s a physical exfoliation that removes dead surface skin cells.

2 Smoother skin

Because you are removing hair from the root and exfoliating the skin, after a wax, you’re skin is now as smooth as a baby bottom.

3 Longer-lasting results

Since your hair is being removed by the root, it will take much longer to grow back than with shaving.

4 Thinner and finer hair

When your hair does grow back after waxing, it will grow back weak, making it finer, softer and sparser. Yassss!

How can you prep for a Brazilian wax?

1. Must have a 1/4 inch of growth! Wait 4 weeks after shaving to make your appointment

2. Wear loose-fitting clothes. You don't want to irritate your vajayjay after waxing.

3. No underwear! Avoid wearing tight fitting underwear that will rub against your already sensitive skin.

4. Also, don't shave! (before or after) When you're shaving, the hair is cut down to different levels, which makes it harder for the wax to grip. If you shave even once after getting a wax, it's like starting all over again.

5. Take a Warm Shower! Firstly, you want to be clean and hygienic since you'll be spread open and exposing your vajayjay. Secondly, taking a warm shower softens the skin which will make waxing a bit easier and less painful. 

6. Take a extra strength Tylenol or Advil. I personally didn't do this , but I researched that many people do and this help with the discomfort of waxing. 

The different types of bikini and Brazilian waxes.

Bikini line

is a basic tidying; we wax the sides (called your panty line) and across the top. If you’re wearing a bikini, this will prevent any hairs from “peeking out”.

Bikini full

is the next step and allows you to take off as much or as little hair as you like from the front. If you want to leave a small “strip”, triangle, square, or nothing at all, it’s up to you.

Bikini Brazilian

goes from the front, all the way to the back with an added butt strip. This is perfect for a completely nude look or you can leave a neat triangle, strip, or square on the front. Choose the style that best fits you.

How long does a wax last?

It takes about three to four weeks for your hair to start growing back (this can be longer or shorter, depending on the person).

How do you care for your freshly-waxed skin afterwards?

It's important to exfoliate every other day because you need to get that dead skin off the surface or it will get trapped into the hair follicles and block the hair from growing out. This is how ingrown hairs are created. Avoid any sweaty activities, sun exposure, public pools, or jacuzzi, having sex, and showering with very hot water (24hours ) after getting a wax.

Possible side effects of bikini waxing and how to treat them

Redness after waxing

This will disappear over time. You can be red from a few minutes to a few days depending on your skin sensitivity and how your skin handles the wax.

Ingrown hairs after waxing

To prevent ingrown hairs or further skin irritation, EXFOLIATE !

Stubble after waxing

Know that our hairs grow in different cycles. It’s possible that the hairs just below the skin’s surface have sprouted after your wax service, resulting in a stubbly feel. Moisturize daily try using aloe vera.

Bumps after waxing

Some bumps are a result of post wax irritation and will go away on their own within a few hours to a few days.

Itching after waxing

Do not scratch those freshly waxed areas. Because the skin will be new and sensitive, you must be careful not to cause further irritation or damage to your skin. Try to help soothe the area by using an aloe vera gel.

You're Ready ! Go Get Waxed !

Of course always do your research and be very thorough about the waxing facility you choose. Make sure your wax technician is licensed.  But more importantly relax ! Waxing becomes very enjoyable the more you do it ! However if you find this experience is not for you, it's okay ! There are alternatives like shaving and hair removal creams (so don't worry).

Let me know in the comment section if you have any questions, tips, or experiences you'd like to share !

- Sincerely Alexus Fay ,
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