Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


#Young Adult

                What the hell does being an "adult" mean??? So here is the basic answer I always get; you have to be responsible and reliable. You have to go through hardships in life and be able to learn from it and apply it to every situation your in. It means you that you have to take accountability of your actions and pay the cost. It means that you can't make dumb mistakes. It means that your fully developed and mature.

              But all I see of adults are the following: It means you have to kiss ass to get something. It means that you have to be constricted to the set rules of society. That you have to wake up to go to a job you utterly don't like and go home to sleep and start it over again. It means working double shifts and 3 jobs to barely get the necessities and survive. It taking everything for granted and living selfishly.

            If this is what that means then I will glad to say fuck being an adult. I would rather be a bum because at least then I would have my freedom to do what I chose. But seriously, I don't want this "adult" tag on me because it seems boring and depressing. I know me and I am a roamer, I go to places people tell me I shouldn't go(except prison). I knowingly disobey certain laws because they make no sense at all. I feel oppressed just by walking on a sidewalk because I have to for obvious reasons but what if I didn't want to. What if I wanted to hang out at a beach from noon today till noon of the next day without getting arrested or ticketed? Hello beaches are apart of earth that we as humans inhabit but because of laws we can't even enjoy simple things of nature.

               If I become the typical "adult" then I would lose that part of me I hold close-its called pride and freedom. Two things I cherish with my soul. I would got to work just because I'm making a lot of money not because I actually like it. I would go to bed dreading the next morning, I did too much of that in high school I do not plan on doing that for the rest of my life.
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