Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


Punch On Me

   This post is a year old sorry about this....   It seems as though my life gets more hectic everyday. It's not easy being me. Actually it's hard being me I am not the genius on the planet but I do like to think of myself as part of the wisdom my family is known for (locally). So to catch you up on the events occurring in my life:
1) Filing College Applications..Crazy right, college is no joke. I am super excited to get there though. 2) Dealing with family. This part of my life is like a roller coaster always crazy, so many twists and turns. 3) Developing strong feelings for a guy. For me this is the hardest thing to do because I don't give my feelings easily to guys because of a past ex. Also, the part about sex...(that's another story). 4) Being outgoing, lately I have had this feeling about being overly outgoing and crazy. Though I think that feeling have always been there. 5) School SCHOOL!!!! This is the stressing point for me, I have been trying to figure out how to survive my final year in high school and so far I'm barely hanging on. In journalism we have girls who don't belong in there, all they want to talk about cheer-leading, tattoos, etc. This is journalism not a magazine but a school newspaper!!! Then I am miraculously going to a huge fall dance at the LAX Marriott, then off to JSA Fall State- a debate convention for debaters and huge parties they throw (gonna have so much fun). I am trying to stay focused on my classes which is a problem within a problem. Anyways I just wanted to say that for some reason this is another one of my gifts, I can balance a lot of things at once.
                                                                 Yours Truly,
                                                                            Fay (Going Crazy)
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