Alexus Fay


I am Alexus Fay.

Inspired by all things 80s/90s.Plant & dog momma. You can often find me on a beach or in gardens. I have a passion for design, writing, wellness, & self care.


Compton, CA, USA

Maintain & Protect Your Peace


    I want to get back  into making my blog more me, more personal while maintaining a environment that helps uplifts you all at the same time. So this entry will be conversational.

     Amongst all the unrest in this world lately, I've been drawing myself further & further away from the mainstream media. I've been falling back into myself in a very slow, beautiful way. I have 3 books I've been juggling with ( I tend to hop from to the other), that has been showing me how to get back in touch with my spirit, while also leading me into my next transformation.

    I'd like to call this chapter, Alexus the Renaissance Woman, as I'm stepping more in alignment with my spirit I am also simultaneously releasing any doubt and objections that held me back from being truly creative. What I mean is I've released the idea that I had to be defined or boxed into a creative category. I truly am creating what I see in my head and bring it to life without the fear of being judged. I also realized that I am not only a writer, but a philosopher, a designer, a potter, a formulator, a healer. 

    I will not shrink away from my calling or gifts. I think it's of the upmost importance that we live authentically & truly. When I'm in alignment I feel good, I live good ! There has never been a more important time to remember to LIVE IN YOUR TRUTH. That may look like leaving your 9-5 and free falling for a few months, embracing & showing parts of yourself you only reserved for your room, saying no or saying hell yes, showing up for yourself & others, chasing your dreams with no regrets.

    Whatever it is, don't run away from it. Own it ! In a world that is dramatically changing, becoming more free and boundless, a world with no limits, seeming a bit chaotic - Live Your Truth !

    A part of living in your truth is maintaining & protecting your peace. In one of the books I'm reading, "All About Love" by Bell Hooks, I'm learning what it means to truly love and what that requires. It involves becoming whole so that you can positively contribute to the growth of not only yourself, but another person as well. This a way a maintain & protect my peace, I make sure to not only cultivate the love of self but also be able to give it to others in a way that helps them ( no matter how small). 

    What is it that gives you peace ? Have you ever truly felt at peace ? These are the questions I ask myself in order to figure out where I need to begin and what I need to be focusing my energy on. When the outside world gets too noisy and draining, I draw back into myself in order to find my peace & maintain it. 

    Lastly, I encourage you all to take a break away from the "outside" world and get back in touch with your inner self. Check up on yourself, take notice of your thoughts, emotions, and environments - find what gives you peace and maintain that state of being .

To You With Love,
Alexus Fay
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